American Scholarship Winners
2014 Campaign I Top 10

- New Haven
- Northeast Region
- Iona College
"Working with Vector has taught me that the only limits we have are the ones we set upon ourselves. That if you believe in yourself and have a strong will to deliver, you will reach your destination and enjoy the process. Success is not about the destination, but rather about the journey."

- Appleton
- Central Region
- University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
"Winning the All-American scholarship means the world to me. It shows that I can sell and compete at the highest level in the company. Winning this scholarship shows I have huge potential and can create a career out of my only college job."

- Auburn
- Northeast Region
- Quinsigamond Community College
"Winning the All American for me is an awesome personal achievement. It allows me to measure myself against the best students in the nation."

- Chattanooga
- Mid-west Region
- University of Tennessee-Chattanooga
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." -Aristole

- Akron
- Mid-west Region
- University of Akron-Main Campus
"Working with Vector has taught me time management skills I could have never dreamed of when I first started college. I learned how to have more time for work, family, and hanging out with friends by simply keeping track of where I spent my time."

- St. Louis
- Central Region
- University of Missouri-Columbia Petersburg
"Working with Vector has taught me more than anything I have learned in the classroom during my studies at the University of Missouri. My communication skills have absolutely flourished with the company, and I have used them to build trust and establish relationships with hundreds of amazing people that I otherwise would never have met. This company has has a bigger impact on my life than anything I have experienced."

- College Station
- Southwest Region
- Texas A&M University-College Station
"It is a great honor to be amongst the top student reps in the nation. To be associated with this group does take self-discipline, persistence, and pride in one's work. Also, it is a great help with the finacial demands of college and the opportunity is not something to be taken for granted."

- North Houston
- Southwest Region
- Lone Star College-University Park
"Working with Vector has taught me how to handle different business-like situations as well as communicate more effectively. However, networking has become my strongest and favorite attribute that I have gained since working with Vector."

- King of Prussia
- Northeast Region
- Temple University
"The highlight for me is how I have been able to grow my network and connect with people I never thought I would meet. I've been able to turn my part-time job into a business."

- Scottsdale / Tempe
- Southwest Region
- Arizona State University-Tempe College
"I never had much confidence or people skills before I worked for Vector and had no idea I could really set myself apart from the crowd. Vector helped me develop a lot more confidence in every area of my life making me a much happier person overall. The relationships I have been able to build with help from this job will last me the rest of my life."
2014 Campaign I 11-25

- Aubrun
- Northeast Region
- Clark University

- Salem
- Western Region
- Portland Community College -Cascade

- East Brunswick
- Northeast Region
- The College of New Jersey

- North Boston
- Northeast Region
- Northeastern University

- St. Louis
- Central Region
- Bradley University

- Avon
- Mid-west Region
- Indiana University / Purdue Univeristy - Indianapolis

- Minneapolis
- Central Region
- University of Saint Thomas

- West Houston
- Southwest Region
- University of California -Berkeley

- Tampa
- Eastern Region
- University of South Flordia -Saint Petersburg

- San Diego
- Western Region
- Palomar College

- North Buffalo
- Mid-west Region
- Mercyhurst College

- King of Prussia
- Northeast Region
- Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

- Chico
- Western Region
- California State University -Chico

- Lancaster
- Northeast Region
- Lebanon Valley College

- Elk Grove
- Western Region
- American River College