American Scholarship Winners

All-American Scholarship CIII top performer, Tyler Langmeier pictured with Northeast Region Manager Earl Kelly. This is Tyler's 7th scholarship since he started competing in 2016, maintaining the #1 position for all of 2018 - a rare feat!
2018 Campaign III Top 10

- Farmington CT
- Northeast Region
- Central Connecticut State University
"When I first started working with Vector, I was rather shy. In fact my first ever phone call I hung up the phone when the customer answered. I was in debt and not really sure what I would do. Vector gave me the opportunity to change my financial reality as well as start planning for my future."

- Clear Lake
- Southwest Region
- Houston Baptist University
"I started working with Vector Marketing on June 28, 2013. I was attracted to the company because of their scholarship program. Once the manager interviewing us said there was an opportunity for a scholarship that will help pay for my school, I was hooked."

- East Valley
- Southwest Region
- University of Arizona
"The most important thing Vector has taught me is hunger. I don't mean being hungry for food - I mean being hungry for success. Before Vector I had no drive and I lived life day to day. Now, I am always hungry to succeed because Vector helped me figure out my why's. I am 100% in control of my success."

- Nassau Co.
- Northeast Region
- Hofstra University
"Winning the All-American Scholarship is a great momentum builder in reaching my goal of graduating from Hofstra debt-free. It is a blessing that with the scholarship program I am able to grow myself mentally, professionally and financially."

- Farmington CT
- Northeast Region
- Naugatuck Valley Community College
"One of the many things Vector has taught me is how to set goals and, more importantly, how to achieve them. Often times you hear college kids saying, 'I cannot wait to be rich,' but they have no plan on how to get rich. Here at Vector, they teach you how."

- Farmington CT
- Northeast Region
- Clark University
"Winning the All-American Scholarship would mean my hard work is being recognized. This makes me only want to work harder to see how much more I can excel. I am grateful for this opportunity."

- Elk Grove
- Western Region
- Cosumnes River College
"Winning the All-American Scholarship would mean the world to me. To be able to see my hard work in just a little over 2 months finally paying off; yes, the experience, the money, and my character development I have learned through working hard has been amazing, but there is a special sense of accomplishment that comes with All-American. This scholarship is so pristine and thrilled to say that I won it in my first campaign with Vector."

- S. Birmingham
- Southwest Region
- Jacksonville State University
"Winning the All-American Scholarship for the 4th time proves that I can do anything I set my mind to. The 'yound' card shouldn't be used as an excuse for being average, but instead should be seen as an advantage."

- E. Baton Rouge
- Southwest Region
- Louisiana State University and A&M College
"Working with Vector has taught me time management skills, people skills, and the opportunity to network with some of the best people in my area. Many things you truly cannot find anywhere else, especially at the age of 18."

- Seattle
- Western Region
- University of Washington
"Working with Vector has taught me the importance of organization and drive. Having such a flexible schedule can be great because you can fit it around anything you like, however, on the other hand, you have no commitment to setting demos and working. you have to be self-motivated."
2018 Campaign III 11-25

- Grand Rapids
- Mid-West Region
- Davenport University

- St. George
- Central Region
- Dixie State University

- Brevard Co
- Eastern Region
- Eastern Florida State College

- Brevard Co
- Eastern Region
- Eastern Florida State College

- Solano Napa Valley
- Western Region
- Columbia University in NYC

- St. Paul
- Central Region
- University of Wisconsin

- Seattle
- Western Region
- Azusa Pacific University

- Polk County
- Eastern Region
- South Florida State College

- Northwest San Antonio
- Southwest Region
- University of Texas San Antonio

- West Tucson
- Southwest Region
- University of Arizona

- Anne Arundel Co
- Northeast Region
- Temple University - Japan Campus

- Westchester
- Western Region
- California State Polytechnic University

- Lake County IL
- Central Region
- Western Illinois University

- E. Baton Rouge
- Southwest Region
- Louisiana State University and A&M College

- Modesto
- Western Region
- Merced College